If assessed in the proper time frame you will receive a printed tax statement from the Sheriff's Office the following July. The Sheriff's Office is the Treasurer for Grant County and is responsible for tax collection.
On July 15, the current year's collection begins. You may receive a 2.5% discount if you pay the first half by September 1 and the second half by March 1. On April 30, a delinquent list is prepared and published in the newspaper. If you have not paid delinquent real estate taxes by October 31st of the following year, a lien will be certfied with the auditor's office. You would then need to redeem the property from the auditor's office.
Please remember, if you are not assessed within the proper time frame with the Assessor's Office you WILL NOT receive a tax statement from the Sheriff's Office.
WV Code ยง11-3-10 requires that you report all taxable property owned as of July 1.
For more information or to inquire about or pay your taxes online, visit the Sheriff's Tax Office page.