Grant County Assessor

Van Meter Office

Van Meter Office

The Assessor of every county is elected every four years. The position is required to be full-time in all but Class X counties. The base salary range is $47,811 - $56,793 with additional fixed compensation of $6,500 to $15,000 for duties specified in state law and supplemental pay up to 10% of salary for additional duties relating to agriculture. All property shall obtain from every person who is liable to assessment a full and correct description of all personal property. In most counties, this is done by mailing an assessment form to all individuals and businesses. Assessors are required to visit all real estate at least once every three years but all property is to be market value on an annual basis. The Assessor shall finish the work of assessment and complete the land and personal property books not later than the 30th day of January.

Land and Personal Property books are to completed in time to submit to the Board of Equalization and Review no later than the first day of February of that assessment year. The Assessor and assistants shall attend the Board of Equalization and Review and render any possible assistance in connection with the valuation of property.

The Assessor shall annually, not later than the third day of March, furnish to the Recorder or Clerk of Cities and Towns, Secretary to the Board of Education, State Board of Education and the County Commission, along with Public Utilities, certification of the assessed values for the current year. The levying bodies are required to use these values to prepare their budget estimates and lay the levies.

Once levy rates are certified to the Auditor, they are certified to the Assessor and are entered into the computer to allow the Sheriff to print tax tickets. Assessors determine values and in turn, the levies set by levying bodies, including excess levies, determine tax revenue.

Other responsibilities include:

Estimating Real Estate Tax:

Property Tax Classification

Current Assessor

Elizabeth Mallow

Term of Office

4 Years

Contact Information

Grant County Assessor
5 Highland Avenue
Petersburg, WV 26847

304-257-1050 - Phone
304-257-4117 - Fax